We are focused on the ongoing medical needs of a family member. We have delayed hosting for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your understanding. Enjoy your vacation where ever travel takes you.
~Hummerhaven Farmstead
About Hummerhaven Farmstead
Welcome to Hummerhaven Farmstead. Our farm is home to creatures tame and wild, of two legs and four. We produce memories, understanding of the unspoken, connection with life beyond sidewalks and streetlights, unplugged options for hands and minds, questions and answers, dirty clothes, tired legs and smiling faces, wonderment, a quiet place to sit, listen, watch, discover and learn, a new sense of self.
The farmstead of Hummerhaven, offers a diverse group of species and breeds including dwarf, mini, and heritage. Our free range hens lay eggs hued in green, pink and beige shells with vibrant yellow orange yolks. When in ‘milk cycle’ our cow and goats give a creamy rich milk just enough for our family consumption. We raise livestock for homesteading, education, understanding, animal assisted learning not for market consumption.
Our barnyard and pasture population includes goats (Nigerian dwarf), sheep (Babydoll, Tunis, Finn), alpaca, pigs (Juliana mini painted pigs), rabbits (Angora), chickens (Cochin, Salmon Favorelles, Bantam, Araucana, Buff Orpington), ducks (Indian Runner, Rouen, Khaki Campbell), geese (Sebastapol, Embden), mini horses, mini donkeys (Sicilian), mini mule, cows (Jersey), horses and ponies (Gypsy, Percheron, Appaloosa, Haflinger, Paint, Quarter Horse, Spotted Draft and Draft crosses). Barn cats short hair and long, slight built and stocky, tigers, tabbys, inky black, tortie, calico, tawny, grey, blended patterns of spots, stripes, boots and bibs.. the silent, wise whiskered paws patrol of barn, outbuildings, house porches and decks.
Our four household canine companions ‘nose it all’ and extend our watchful eyes and ears. Blue eyed red merle Aussie shepherd, Kyra, mind of a herder with patience to move in slow determination, directing, but not scattering the herd. Addie, the lithe spaniel mix, little finesse but lightening speed… Can get over, under, through land and water obstacles, loves a stampede. Ollie, is the farm comedian, laughingly stays on task until… SQUIRREL! And then the German shepherd side leads him on a quest in the opposite direction. And last is mini Aussie, Mona, the crumb eradicator, bluffingly barks fiercely at a knock on the door, pantry protector.